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Mini-ITX products, we have the expertise to help you select the right products for your project. Compact embedded and socket CPU PCs for a variety of applications. Ultra-compact design, small form factor, high efficiency PSU. 6-48V Intelligent Automotive grade Uninterruptible Power Supply. Low cost, low power ARM embedded board.
Nbsp; 涓婚 銆婂 浜猴紝浣犱负浠 涔堝摥锛熴? 閲戝彞锛氣 滃洜涓轰粬浠 繕涓嶆槑鐧藉湥缁忕殑鎰忔 濓紝灏辨槸鑰剁ǎ蹇呰 浠庢 閲屽 娲汇 傗? BR 鐚 敱锛氥 婇噸鏄句富澶х埍銆嬨 併 婅崳鑰 灞炰富銆嬧 富鏃ヨ瘲鐝? 璇侀亾锛氥 婂 浜猴紝浣犱负浠 涔堝摥锛熴 嬧 鐗у笀. 1浠婂ぉ锛屾湁鍝 簺鍥犵礌浼氳 浣犲け鍘诲枩涔愶紵浣犺 浠庡摢閲屽 鎵惧枩涔愮殑鏍规簮鍛 紵. 2浣犻亣鍒板 娲荤殑涓讳簡鍚楋紵浣犳槸鍚 儚椹 附浜氫竴鏍蜂箰鎰忎紶鎵 剁ǎ鍛 紵. 1鏃ヤ富棰樸 婂 浜猴紝浣犱负浠 涔堝摥锛熴 嬬 鏅撻槼鐗у笀. 1鏃ヤ富棰樸 婁笉瑙佷竴浜猴紝鍙 鑰剁ǎ銆嬪崲 鑺崇墽甯? 鑰剁ǎ璇达紝姣忎綅鍩虹潱寰掗兘褰撴湁鈥滀竴绮掓 鍘婚害瀛愨 濈殑鐢熷懡锛屽 姝ゆ墠鍙 互娲诲嚭鈥滄棤鎴戞儫涓烩 濈殑浣垮懡浜虹敓銆傚彧鏈夆 滀笉鍐嶆槸鎴戔 濈殑鐢熷懡杩涘叆浣犻噷闈 紝浣犵殑涓 瑷 涓 琛岋紝鎵嶄細鑽g 鐩婁汉锛? 774鏈熻瘉閬撲俊鎭 細涓婚 銆婂 浜猴紝浣犱负浠 涔堝摥锛熴? 772鏈熻瘉閬撲俊鎭 細涓婚 銆婇 捐秺鑺傜殑绛靛腑銆? 771鏈熻瘉閬撲俊鎭 細涓婚 銆婄埍浜鸿 鎵垮彈浼ょ棝銆? .
Magnetic Holders and Mood Magnets. Adhesive Magnets or Shelf Markers. CHEER and BANG A BANNERS. Computer Monitor and Keyboard Cards. Restaurant and Food Service Items.
What started as a quaint little shop named Original Singapore Frog Porridge in May of 2006 is now the biggest Singapore restaurant chain in Vietnam, consisting of 6 outlets in 3 of its biggest cities and soon overseas. Revel in the epitome of luxury and take in the awe-inspiring views of Singapore at Lion City. Luxuriate in its plush surroundings and let the sensational pianist and vocalist put you in the mood. Lion City Cafe and Restaurant.
Friendly game with Sengkang group. New shuttlecocks will be provided. Expenses will be spared equally among all attendees.
Dryer and Steam Iron Package. Washer and Vacuum Cleaner Package. 2 in 1 Washer and Dryer.